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We had such a fun time seeing all of our patients in their Halloween costumes. Thank you so much for joining us, we hope we delivered a first-class experience!

The team at bŏdze enjoyed playing dress up and treating our guests to a fun afternoon filled with treats + no tricks.

bŏdze invited all of our future and past patients in for an afternoon of mimosas, charcuterie, sweet treats, give-a-ways, and fun! We had a live DJ and all of our reps on stand-by to answer questions about the markets most cutting-edge products and technology. The event was held exclusively for bŏdze patients and was free of charge.

bŏdze’s general manager Nisreen states,

“Joining our patients and staff at every opportunity for fellowship and fun allows our practice to feel like a community. These events help elevate everyone’s mood and create a space for intimacy with our patients. When we understand what motivates our patients— we can become more intentional providers and continue to cater to each patient’s individual need.”

bŏdze’s plastic surgeon, Dr. Eric Khairalla attended the event dressed as the Pilot from the hit movie, Catch me if you can. We asked Dr. Khairalla AKA Dr. Tampa what his favorite part of the event was and he responded, “Seeing all of my healed patients dressing up with restored confidence in their appearence, loving life! That’s what keeps me motivated- every, single day!” The bŏdze team dressed up as vintage PAN AM flight attendants to compliment his character from the movie!

During the event we answered questions about mommy makeovers, Brazilian butt lifts, breast augmentations, breast lifts, breast reductions, tummy tucks, lip enhancements, the morpheus 8, and so much more!

Check out more photos on our Instagram page + Sign up below to be added to our event invitation list

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