Crafting Confidence with Abdominoplasty

Eric Khairalla, MD
Plastic Surgeon

At 53, our patient initiated a transformative journey with bŏdze, entrusting Dr. K to guide her through an abdominoplasty. This step was about more than aesthetic refinement—it was a leap towards reclaiming her confidence and wellness. Dr. K’s tailored approach to abdominoplasty focused on sculpting her abdomen, removing excess skin and fat, and tightening the muscle, which mirrored her courage and desire for change.

This process at bŏdze not only highlights our commitment to individualized care but also our belief in empowering patients to embrace their transformations with confidence, marking a new chapter of life filled with self-assurance and vitality.


  • Age: 53
  • Gender: Female
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Height: 5′ 8″
  • Weight: 194


  • Abdominoplasty