A Harmonious Transformation with Abdominoplasty

Eric Khairalla, MD
Plastic Surgeon

At 47, our patient embarked on a life-enhancing journey with bŏdze, seeking an abdominoplasty with Dr. K. Her aspiration was to harmonize her external appearance with her vibrant spirit, a goal deeply understood and shared by our team. Dr. K’s tailored approach to her abdominoplasty focused on sculpting and refining her midsection, removing excess skin and fat, and tightening muscles to create a more defined and contoured abdominal profile.

This personalized procedure at bŏdze reflects our holistic commitment to empowering patients on their unique paths toward achieving aesthetic goals, while fostering a sense of well-being and confidence that resonates through every aspect of their lives.


  • Age: 47
  • Gender: Female
  • Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
  • Height: 5′ 4″
  • Weight: 160


  • Abdominoplasty