Renewed Essence with a Tummy Tuck

Eric Khairalla, MD
Plastic Surgeon

At 57, our patient approached bŏdze, guided by Dr. K, to pursue a tummy tuck procedure that represented a milestone in her journey towards self-renewal. This decision was not merely about aesthetic enhancement but reflected a deeper desire to align her physical appearance with her inner vitality. Dr. K’s expertise ensured the procedure was meticulously tailored to her unique needs, carefully sculpting her abdomen to achieve a more toned and contoured look.

This transformation at bŏdze embodies our dedication to supporting our patients in achieving their aesthetic aspirations, whilst nurturing their overall health and confidence, enabling her to embrace her renewed essence with pride and joy.


  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Female
  • Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
  • Height: 5′ 0″
  • Weight: 144


  • Abdominoplasty