Embracing Renewal with a Tummy Tuck

Eric Khairalla, MD
Plastic Surgeon

At 73, our patient embarked on a dignified journey of self-renewal with bŏdze, seeking a tummy tuck from Dr. K. This decision was rooted in a desire for change that transcended age, aiming to align her outer appearance with her enduring spirit and grace. Dr. K’s approach was characterized by sensitivity and precision, focusing on removing excess skin and fat to sculpt a more refined and elegant silhouette.

This transformation at bŏdze is a testament to our belief in the timeless beauty of every individual, offering a pathway to renewed confidence and vitality, proving that personal reinvention knows no age.


  • Age: 73
  • Gender: Female
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Height: 5′ 9″
  • Weight: 195


  • Abdominoplasty
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